Say Hello

Reach out to us and let us know that you're interested in our services. Whether it's through email, phone, or our website's contact form, we're here to listen to your needs and answer any initial questions you may have.


Fill out the Discovery Session

Once we connect, we'll guide you through a discovery session. This step allows us to understand your goals, target audience, brand voice, and specific requirements. By gathering these crucial details, we ensure that our services align perfectly with your vision.


Sign Proposal

Based on the insights we gather from the discovery session, our specialized team will prepare a tailored proposal for your social media management needs. The proposal will outline our recommended strategies, deliverables, timeline, and pricing. Upon reviewing and accepting the proposal, we'll finalize the agreement, sign the necessary documents, and officially embark on our exciting journey together.


Strategy Presentation

We'll present you with your designed strategy, discuss any changes that need to occur, and adjust your content plan accordingly if necessary. We'll also lock in a date for our Custom Content Sessions.


Social Media Kick Off

Now that you're all set up for social success, your content will be ready to go ahead on your desired launch date, subject to your approval. Once approved, we will launch, test, create, and radiate big digital energy.